poetic marketer:- Searching A Wired Way
poetic marketer: Searching A Wired Way
Planned or Semi-Planned
Efficiency Links Journey After Journey
Lending Creative Imagination & Gentle
Forces to Build-Up Structures, so
Skilled Intuitive Couples can Mold their
Prosperous Inner Characteristics into
Dreams, that are just 1/2 mile from those
Railroad Tracks so visitors can
Just come right In & Sit Right Down,
As they wait for the Next Train,
Enjoying Refreshments & Nuts!
Planned or Semi-Planned
Efficiency Links Journey After Journey
Lending Creative Imagination & Gentle
Forces to Build-Up Structures, so
Skilled Intuitive Couples can Mold their
Prosperous Inner Characteristics into
Dreams, that are just 1/2 mile from those
Railroad Tracks so visitors can
Just come right In & Sit Right Down,
As they wait for the Next Train,
Enjoying Refreshments & Nuts!