For All Concerned

Regarding this 2016 election,  where we ALL wànt çhànge to evokve Super QUICK but, these two highly questionable candidates give the outcome very slim-Pickens!
The public polls swing & swaying so much,  just like your own mind's magnitude!

Between allegations of Sexuàl Misconduct and the newly released WIKI LEAKS  emails about what's been said concerning religious & racial opinions while Clinton was using a An Ùnlawful Private Server.  At thè same time, çertain foreign countries such as,  Russia with their Nuclear war heads for Syrian protection.  Doesn't that make you wonder whoever is elected, if their appointed cabinet will be strong enough to protect and improve our great country from  further devastation.  
I certainly hope people are aware, that jobs, the economy and international affairs are all connected.     

     Liz Minvielle, 


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