Is He Truthful?

Càn ànyonè fathom for one MEASLY second, how this campaigning Republican can be truthful?

He's çontinuously çoñtràďictinģ himself on his standards for this countries policies!  For example, we all know he's merely procrastinating to release his Tax Returns.  This is because, he does nothing but Weasle his snide so-called clever businessman strategies to make others think he's helping them get rich, when he's only using some WALL ST BROKER'S Tactics to fool the "People", whom he thinks are much too ignorant to have any inkling àbout what's TRULY happening to their EARNINGS!  
         AND NOT ONLY IS HE A WEASLING WHEELER DEALER WITH OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY'S, it doesn't stop there with his assumptive criticism towards Othèr's from the pàst.  

Such as, our present president's birth certificate, like it really matters.   If hè had any type of brain he'd put his 1/2 sentence speeches towards making strongly promising plan's, which will Most likely be UNFULFILLED!
His running mates previous sexuàl interactions.  Does it really matter to Congress?

Miss Universe's weight & other's too.  HE  SHOULD TÀLK!  

Also, I can't fathom how àny person with the slightest section of their working brain would actually consider making a Vote for whatever you'd like to call this individual.

Liz Minvielle:   Please, çommènt at 


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