Does Humanity Flow in this Rigged Rollercoaster Ride?

At what Speeded Rate  will Humanity Flow in this World
                         During the  next 4 years of this
         Upcoming Stoned Rigged Rollercoaster Ride in which the World is
                 About to Embark On a Massively Questionable
                                 Uncertain Change!
              Does Wordly Self-Interest actually Govern Humanity
                                   Which has possible
                               Humiliation while, clearing of
                              Scandalous Procedures in
                             Wordwide Agreements by
           Honestly and Truthfully Developing Peaceful
           FΓ€IR RESOLUTIONS is Γ  doubtful procedure, waiting to happen!
                Marginalized by the "Establishment"!  Due to just too many too many of the people
            Not too terribly prone to dealing with acceptance of other's choices since, I know you're asking yourself,
                  if Humanity flows on this Rigged Rollercoaster Ride the  WORLD will hopefully, peacefully endure from the
                          Negotiated propaganda set forth with this elected leader by the people and being true to our Constitution is, for the people, IF his Comrades and him can reach an unbiased agreement on Racial and Sexist issues barring any Uncertainty!
                        Liz Minvielle

Anything, I've forgotten, please feel free to email me at    

    Thank you,  Liz 


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