Attention Smart Ladies & Gentlemen

Attention Smart Ladies & Gentlemen:   
      Has anyone consìdered this president's accusations of sò many workìng laws & policies whiçh seems to happen àlmost hourly throuģh his TWEETING, as grounds for impeachment?
        It's a wonder how he's actually making any improvements in this worldly country with his çontinuous unplanned proposed policies, that need approval and when their not agreed upon to his liking, he immediately makes up another issue, that's supposedly endangering him, as president.
******-HE'S NEVER SATISFIED and wouldn't you conclude that's his
            ÈGOTISTICAL reason why he has to continuously repeat that
              IDIOTIC OVERRUN statement: Màkè Àmerica Great, as if it was à
                              Rotten PLÀCE before he took office!
???How can he POSSIBLY HAVE àny inkling of what this worldly country was like before, when he was only a Big Time Real Estate Saĺesmàñ.
      First off, this deportation of so many hard working legàl immigrants is just so freaking inhumanè, he obviously cares more about his money, that'll protect HIS family and not the çouñtry hè was voted into because of his Obnoxiously Repeated Promises! 
          Also, his destruction of the TPP wasn't welcome èspecially,  since I and quite a few others knew it would lead to further destruction of Ouŕ:-American connection with Othèr's.
                                        Now, it's  NAFTÀ!
Does hè have any idea what the phrase UNITED MULTI-CULTURALISM signifys?
His foreign policy inexperience will not/WON'T be where's he's supposed to be focused.
  Here saying that his
                         Commitment with Trustful Honesty
                                  Is Highly Questionable and
                                       Point Blank Question
                               Is "HE" Humànistìcàlly Sane
                      To Accurately Judge All Conditions?
                     Can "HE" Realistically Acknowledge
                   Ànything OR Anyone's Standards  that
                           Don't Fit "HIS Ideal" Standards?
Plus,  Airbnb has dropped one of his listing service in the New York Trump Tower.   They obviously don't want to have any single inkling pertaining to this conniving liar, who thinks through his mushroom shaped brain!
Has ànyonè heard of wiretapping in "Sweet home Alabama"?
And what will it be tomorrow for this nit picking mushroom clown of surprises?
Please, let me know what I've forgotten and I welcome any suggestions before another one of his
                                                SHENIGAINS OCCUR!!!
                                           Liz who's Infamously Focused on Numerous Avenues!

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