Transitional Strength
Transitional Strength
As I Pulsed through my next-to-ĺast
Inner-Synced "BARS" session,
Strength with Change:Bursted
Unveiled Transactions for
Oval-Shaped Pathways to
Expect Unexpected Growth
Standing Straight while,
Flowing With
Up & Down Levels
That'll Build
Clean and Dirty Lanes, As
One's INNER-SYNCED Grateful Mind
Envelopes Courage!
As I Pulsed through my next-to-ĺast
Inner-Synced "BARS" session,
Strength with Change:Bursted
Unveiled Transactions for
Oval-Shaped Pathways to
Expect Unexpected Growth
Standing Straight while,
Flowing With
Up & Down Levels
That'll Build
Clean and Dirty Lanes, As
One's INNER-SYNCED Grateful Mind
Envelopes Courage!