An Important News Bulletin!

Transitional visions format structures for à blending of past & present Ventures to take Shape!

  An Important News Bulletin,
                                                     Just this morning of September 1st PST, my thoughts were confirmed as I was intently listening to the generous massive recovery happening for so many that lost so much, my thoughts that, that the wall Trump is planning to build shouldn't even take precedence over making sure good people's lives get repaired, there just isn't enough money and readily available worker's!

         If Trump could or would take his foot out of his mouth, there might be a slim chance, he'd start looking out for the people of the country  he was elected to run and focus his priorities in the right place!   
        Supposedly, donating his own money to Harvey's Relief fund doesn't come close to his Tweeting screams  "Making America Great Again"!  
          Keep DACÀ!

     Liz Minvielle AKA: Poetic Marketer: Structured Wires via Googles search bàr 


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